We have a double sided chalk board which we love. I have a very talented asst. mgr. who loves doing this. Definitely need more color and just keep trying with different fonts also.
Fall in love is a common phrase, just not very creative.
I had one of the kids do a Turkey for thanksgiving. I change the board more than once a month.
It makes me think of Starbucks. I like the f, I’d just like to see more color- UNLESS those are community colors. Not a critique, just one point of view.
It’s simple, but sometimes simple is better! I think things like this need to match the personality of the leasing professional or the property demographics. Pick what works for you!
You can always print your design, then color the back of the page with chalk. Once this is complete, lay the page on the board and outline. The chalk will transfer the image/ lettering to you board then you can use a chalk marker and complete the design. It's more work, but looks very professional.