At Leonardo247 we hire almost all implementation and account management team members from the industry with experience in the field. And while what we look for will be different than, say, a renters insurance provider or a rehab contractor, we all want somebody who can deftly articulate the challenge that is working on site (you must have true empathy for the struggle!) In our case we’re also looking to see how you have used technology on your own to try to solve those challenges. PM me privately if you’d like a referral to a couple of recruiters who pull onsite colleagues into vendor jobs.
Are you asking about the job search or the actual work ? Remove the housing setting. For all jobs.....
All of provide a service to a customer (internal to)
All of us try to persuade buyers to use our services (sell value features benefits)
All of us try to improve the customer experience by improving execution.
All of us overcome obstacles that get in the way of success and create solutions so problems dont repeat.
Which element was your happy place ?
For me got lucky. When my property sold, there were no management positions available. A friend shared with me (while I was on vacation) that Apartment Guide was looking. Dave gave me the number and I called. I ended up interviewing against an outside sales candidate. Apt Guide had never hired anyone from on site. I had to “sell” myself and the fact that leasing apartments is “sales”. If a position comes available go for it and fine tune your sales skills. And always ask for the job. I am happy to help anyone that would like to know more. Just PM me. ????
It's a change, for sure, but if you're up for a challenge, you'll love it. Are you planning to go work for someone else or are you going out on your own?
Right place and the right time... my Apartment Guide Rep at the time, the amazing Kim Donahoo Garrison, came in the office and asked if I was interested in making a switch. It was the scariest jump I had ever made and I have zero regrets.
-Treat your suppliers like GOLD and they will always watch out for you. They usually hear about new jobs, pending property sells, etc before others and do not discuss it.
-let all of your supplier reps and apt association director know that you are interested.
-look up who you want to work for and apply. If you get the interview, but not the job, ask what you can do better next time.
I was a National trainer and the software company recruited me. A logical step!! You can support, sell, train on, etc those things that you do well for your management company. If you are a SME for a management company, you can be a SME for the supplier company.
My VP at the time sent in my resume and voluntold me I’d be perfect for the position right before she told me they sold my properties. 9 years later I still miss being onsite, but am absolutely where I am supposed to be????