My maintenance supervisor had the most fabulous idea for new move ins.
He said I should get custom key rings with the complex name on them to put new keys on.
A special touch. Marketing. Move in gift all in one.
So I’ve been researching. There are a lot of companies out there, does anyone have any recommendations?! I’m in Dallas TX if that helps.
Thank you!
We’ve done these for years. Just make sure your residents know not to write their apartment # on it. (We see it frequently.)
The other thing we started doing is custom reusable shopping bags with our community name on it.
That’s real marketing.
It had never occurred to me honestly. I have a year as a manger and I thought this was a great idea. I know many seasoned managers have so much to share, hence why I posted it here. I’m learning and I’m always excited by new ideas I haven’t thought of.
Just be careful if a resident loses their keys and someone finds them and goes to that community and lets them self has happened which why I no longer do this!
I use Coast to Coast. Key chains are always a great gift and it is easier to give keys to a new resident. Other good ideas are pens w/ stylus. Pre-COVID when I went to a restaurant and pay I would sign with my pen and leave it for waiter...those pens are always circulating. I have had people thank me for those because it reminds them to fill out MI condition form also. Another is koozies with a bottle of water always great in our Texas heat. Another that is very inexpensive is plunger with toilet paper and paper towels. Women always appreciate the TP. Last thing and I have done this pre-COVID is pocket hand sanitizer. Always looking for other ideas to put in my move in bags.
While we have been doing this for years it's great you are trying new things for your property. Try Amsterdam printing online. I ordered really nice keys chains and you get like 30% off your first order.
I wouldn’t put the complex’s full name. If keys are lost, it is a potential break in. Of it a car is broken into that has mail or the keys, it poses a danger. Our company was Shorewood, and instead of that we put “SW”. Just something to consider. Ours were black and looked super classy.
Great idea but we stopped doing it. If keys are lost, you can determine the exact unit by trying the mailbox key out in each mail box when no one is looking. Don't ask me how I know. Just gave us a bad feeling.
3 years 11 months ago#44682by Robert Kramer (ResiPM)
I agreed about the double edge sword. If the keys are lost, guess where the criminal that found them is heading? I saw this working in the hotel business when we used keys. Someone was even selling them on the beach, offering 'a place to stay for cheap.'