Today for the first time EVER, I clocked in to a $55,000 delinquency this morning and had a total freak out lol. Worked my butt off all day and collected $40,000 of it. Ended the day with a migraine. Omg!!!
Help them get the rental assistance that IS out there. My team has focused on identifying resources and counseling residents to them. Anyone who qualifies for a moratorium is qualified for assistance.
Truthfully... I have a good relationship with them. I constantly talk to them . Even if they have given a date to pay, I do not wait for that day. I constantly contact them (I am out on the property a lot). I use different excuses to converse with them and mention the payment during the convo. My residents know that it is in the forefront of my thoughts 24/7 and it ain’t going away. I had a resident state today that he is going to move out because he lost his job. Rather than deal with having to talk to me about it daily, he would rather move. Then he doesn’t have to be reminded constantly. I am glad he is moving. I can literally re rent the unit in a day because I have 5 people on a waitlist. Mind you...this is someone that usually pays. Lost his job and owes January only. Doesn’t want the rent to pile up on him. So you see, even if people intended to pay and it was the 4th after a holiday, I don’t sit around and wait for them to pay when they feel like it. I go out and get it by holding them accountable. So it literally took me all day yesterday and again today. Collected another few thousand today and have committed dates for the remaining residents. So now I will spend the next 2 weeks following up with them daily. Whatever it takes!!!
Started at $55,000 yesterday and down to $13,000 today. $6,000 is one resident. But he just got a new job at$35 an hour and found out yesterday that he won his appeal with unemployment so as soon as his checks get here he is paying up. He is up for renewal and wants to renew. He doesn’t want to move. So it’s a pretty safe bet. But do you see what I mean? I know the details. Why? Because I make them talk to me every day!!!