I will sometimes describe the location “we are right next to a residential neighborhood and mainly only sees that traffic drive by!” or something like that
I say something along the lines of eveyone has a different opinion of what quiet means so I do recommend coming by here at different times of the week to see what its like.
Everyone is sensitive to certain sound levels, and what may be acceptable for me may not be acceptable to you
Invite them to drive around at night and check it out for themselves.
I always say “well I live onsite. I love it and wouldn’t be here if I didn’t like it” then I’d go on about what’s in the area. “I typically live onsite lol since I stay a while lol
My property is in a major metropolitan downtown area. If they ask me, I laugh. you don’t move to downtown kc and expect it to be quiet. You move here to party til 4am.
But an even better question is whats your response to any form of the “safety” question?
Examples include but are not at all whatsoever excluded to (by even the teeniest slightest bit):
“How’s the safety here?”
“Hi, I received my renewal letter..... so about that parking garage....”
“Noise complaint?!!?? That wasn’t me! Now I don’t feel comfortable...any ideas on how we can fix that?”
It’s been a very very long day........
3 years 11 months ago#45217by Alycia Nicole George
It’s against fair housing to speak about the demographics of the neighborhood but you can always pull up the police site just make sure to put in the correct address.
Well... it’s a Multifamily community- hearing or even smelling each other is not abnormal. However we do observe quiet hours as does the city we reside in, so if noise gets too loud or unreasonable- please reach out to our courtesy officer or the non-emergent pd.
I'll usually ask (smiling with genuine curiosity), "what do you mean?". This gives them an opportunity to clarify their question and express their specific concern. It's usually concerns with crime, but sometimes it's noise. Crime: We can't guarantee your personal safety, but if you contact the __ police they can usually give you a breakdown of calls in this area compared to other areas. Noise: Our lease requires that all residents keep noise coming from their home at a reasonable level.
I let them know the last time I served a noise complaint... I can't really speak for the whole neighbourhood though especially since we're right across the street from a hospital with an emergency department; ambulances coming in-and-out of their parking lot with and without their sirens.