Good Morning my Muli-family “Family”!
What are you saying to a prospect that wants to know why we need a government photo issued ID to tour?
What if they refuse?
#multifamily #apartmentliving
I just tell them it’s policy that we need it...if them seem easy going I normally make a joke like oh if we don’t come back to the office they know who kidnapped me LOL most of the time they laugh about it. If they don’t have it we just ask they come back with it and we would be more than happy to show them the community.
Same joke, over & over. Then would follow it up with the comment that my company values their teams so much they may have a few different policies in place. I am so glad our safety is important to them.
We use Checkpoint ID. Prospects provide their ID and it’s scanned before touring. We also have a sign up in leasing. We just explain that it’s policy and for everyone’s safety.
I have found that many of those who do not want to show an ID are hoping to NOT be positively identified (have a record that would preclude ap being approved). I tell a potential tenant who asks that I had to show ID before I toured a property, and that it helps me know exactly who I am dealing with. People who are above board (with nothing to hide) have no issues with showing ID.
If they refuse then don’t tour. I always use the shpill “ it’s a crazy world out here and I don’t know you not do you know me and it’s just to take precautions” then I’ll tell them about real life incidents to lighten the mood and to build that bond.
“They want to know who to thank incase I don’t come back.”
I tell them that is their prerogative, but it isn’t an option if you would like to tour, lease or move-in.
You can say that it is a management company policy intended to ensure the safety of staff and your residents. If they say no, then tell them that, unfortunately, that means you can't give them a physical tour...but maybe they would be interested in an online virtual tour.
They are adults.. tell them the business reasons besides I said so it is policy. Explain the why..
A govt issued ID allows us to verify identity (and or credit history).
This is a business and we are entering a contract worth over $10,000 together. You know who we are, and we want to know who you are. This is how we protect ourselves against possible fraud.
Same as a bank who might lend you $10,000 to buy a car.
It is unfortunate other people will take advantage of owners and set up fake names and fake accounts.
We can keep rents a little lower when we prevent fraud.
In Texas you are required to give some for of ID
It is our policy only to protect the person giving the tour. Please note that for fair housing you must do the same for everyone.
I do not allow my team to tour if they refuse to give a form of identification
Please, don't take this the wrong way as I've noticed a lot of "for the safety of our teams" and would hope teams don't take IDs and let their "guards" down ( CheckpointID is a little different). I'm a survivor of an assualt, I had his ID as well, my guard was up however he knew what he was doing. I share my story in hopes to bring awareness and help others.
I agree. It is only one of several precautions you should take. I am sorry you had that experience. I have been scared a few times and know of several situations.
I've seen so many leasing professionals let that guard down because the ID was in the office.. They don't ever think it could/would happen to them.
Thank you. I always say.. trust the your intuition, keep your team on board with an emergency plan and always be aware of your surroundings.
I kind of laugh it off and say, “When you try to take me home, they need to know who to come looking for. But I’ll warn ya now... I don’t like to cook or clean, so... may not be a good idea anyway”
You have a few options, shoot straight and explain how members of our industry have been victimised and this policy is intended to detour that type of behaviour. Or you can tell them “it’s your company’s policy”, to which there is a zero tolerance. If they ask why it’s needed, you could tell them “it’s a safety measure used to prevent unwanted fraudulent activity.
I agree with others, you should look into checkpoint ID, the software remedies holding on to an ID as well as limits contact with prospects. Good luck!
I never imply that it’s for safety reasons, even as a joke. I say simply “It’s our company’s policy. If I didn’t follow it, I could lose my job and I LOVE my job! I’m sure you understand”.