I haven't seen one that bad in a long time. I'm surprised the neighbors didn't complain about the smell! CPS needs to get those kids and the SPCA should confiscate the animals that could be a felony. Ugh!!!! Plus ruining 100 yr old wood is heart breaking. Ugh!!!
you have their info (if it's correct) I would report to child protective services and local PD to see if they can track them down. Child abuse, animal abuse.....
No PM's? No service requests completed? Unit was never inspected, pest control, fire/safety inspections? How can it possibly get this bad without mngt knowledge? That blows my mind.
You have all their info make a police report for property damage. I would call DCFS and make a report for the kids and a report with animal control . They have done this before I’m sure. Any clue where they went? U have vehicle info?
I’ll never understand how people live in clutter or filth. If I never cleaned again, my home still would not look like this. What do people have against Clorox and trash cans?!
People wonder why we drink, why we are insensitive and callous, explosive and reactive...
I am surprised that there’s not the usual Commiserating Sympathetics siding with the slobs saying “you don’t understand their troubles or challenges...”
Go after them in court; if they get away with it, they will never stop. Get a judgment for the damages and rent. If they get jobs, you are going to get your money back - but it will take a looong time.
Those poor kids! Imagine being raised by “people” like this. It’s awful and they really shouldn’t have children or pets. I really hope you all can call CPS and report them.
I’m so sorry you and your team had to deal with this. It’s absolutely disgusting and so sad.
I’ve been in the business 28 years and it is very important to do mandatory inspections at least once every two months or even go with pest control companies instead of sending your maintenance. 9 times out of 10 when neighbors complain of mice or bugs it’s always someone like this. And yes sometimes it’s important that either adult protective services or cps is called.
Oh my goodness. I've seen some bad ones but that one takes the prize. I hope that CPS can somehow step in and help those children. Good luck to you and your team on getting that place cleaned up. HAZMAT anyone?