I would love to tell you all about Domuso and how we are successfully taking out large management companies Payless and how much they love their decision to do so! PM me and we can set up a quick call to discuss
hmm interesting I've never thought of "going paperless" to the point of actually impacting how you interact with other agencies etc. It would seem that if you are required to use some single entity and you can't swap them out for anything else then you are limited to how that entity wants to send and receive information.
Going paperless would seem to only impact the things under your control. IE you are paperless for everything you can control and swap out service providers, vendors etc to get you as close to that as you want to be. Beyond that you have a scanner and a printer to make the analog conversion for the few entities that you can't control. With those two pieces of gear you can then dictate everything digital inside your borders so to speak.
We use several network scanners, and a layer of document management software to organize documents and perform OCR so the text in the documents is searchable. Then there is a variety of distribution systems in place to ensure that the files are automatically distributed to the correct locations and people etc.
I'm not sure any of that is uniquely related to affordable though. At the end of the day just because you go paperless doesn't stop mail from coming to you, and likely won't remove your requirement to send mail out at some point so you are always going to have to deal with paper at some level.
It’s easy to go paperless, even if a property requires some docs to be wet signatures. Besides permanent building files such as blueprints, plat maps, etc, our entire operation is paperless. If anyone ever needs to see a doc that was wet signed, we go to the property page and choose that file that the wet signature was placed on. The only thing that would change this would be if they want the actual form that still has the actual (still wet) signature. No reason someone wouldn’t accept a scanned copy of it though