What's your company tolerance level with belligerent residents? You know, those that curse at you, call you names, threaten you, and harass their neighbors.
What line do they need to cross before they're evicted?
Has this changed with covid?
Verbal warning, then an informal of stopped. If continues a lease violation. We are sunsidized and SC the housing says 3 times then evict and do not tolerate it whatsoever
No tolerance period.
Yeah Covid sucks and people are going through shit but that is no reason to be an asshole.
When I resident starts getting loud and cussing I cut them off and let them know the conversation will not continue if they can not control themselves. If they start in again I hang up if they are on the phone or they are escorted to the door.
If I witness them speaking to one of my team I will do the same thing.
If it happens again at a later date I inform them that they can be evicted for harassment and I send them a lease violation.
I have never had to go beyond those 2 warnings.
It's all circumstantial, but we don't play. A resident thought throwing her smoke detector at me was a good idea. She was put on a m2m and told if she so much breathed in my direction she was gone. They consulted me before we allowed a resign at 12 months.
I personally have a pretty low tolerance. If there is a valid issue, by all means address it, but I've more than once contacted a resident after their problem was solved and had an "it really seems like you'd be happier elsewhere" talk. Sometimes they would be happier elsewhere, but often, they calm down.
Evictions are only halted due to non payment. Everything else is fair game. Written notice -make it look official and scary- and warn them that the next incident of verbal abuse will get them evicted. I'd add that you won't be taking calls: all future communication will be via email, that way everything will be documented and presented to attorney and judge. Best of luck!
It's hard to convince a judge for someone to lose their home because of belligerence. That being said. I do not stand for it. I will ban them.feom.our office and communicate via writing only. If it becomes physical.or threatening in nature than We get police involved.
Clock out and clock em....I'm joking. First verbal second written third demand 4 notice to quit. Last I checked we're entitled to a harassment free work environment
Extremely low but I will consider what everyone is dealing with these days as it’s been pretty extreme for some people! It’s never ok to treat someone poorly but everyone needs to give a little grace because DAMN the past year has been pretty rough! If it’s a person who is just mean and will always be mean...bye
We have been in property management since 1948 and have always abided by the thinking "Friendly, Fair, Firm, & Consistent". Our lease and rules & regulations are also very detailed and specific concerning what constitutes appropriate behavior and other conditions of occupancy.
We try to treat everyone with respect but there are times when that doesn't work. In those cases we have 4 possible approaches,
1) we warn them once with written notice, or
2) we say something like "obviously you (the tenant) aren't happy with us and would be happier living elsewhere. We will let you out of your lease if you can move before the end of the month", or
3) with a constant violation we will look either for a late payment or a "tenant complaint" which will start the eviction process. or
4) we will put his lease in the "non-renewal" file and formally elect to non-renew him when his lease is approaching the end of his term.