Adam, I'll attempt to address all your social media questions/thoughts from my perspective. Thank you for adding to the discussion.
- It does take time to constantly update and interact with fan pages and Twitter accounts. It's best to have a consistent strategy and use RSS feeds to automate/syndicate posts to all these sites. No one ever said it was easy to be better than your competition. Using these tools can be a huge competitive advantage if used properly.
- I believe one reason our industry does not have a better reputation is because we don't provide more constant interactions and better customer service. If our goal is to get someone to renew then we should be interacting with them more often then once per year. Our customers actual make more frequent purchases with us (monthly rent payments that are most likely the largest check someone writes in a month) than most other retailers. The only exception I can think of would be food related like a grocery or restaurant.
- Go ahead, remain a skeptic, social media is not for everyone. Social media is not advertising. Social media is about enhancing a customer's experience and building a better online brand. Measuring social media and an online brand is more than just counting leads. It's about customers willing to pay a premium, staying occupied, outpacing your competition, having better online reviews, and embracing poor reviews as opportunities. All because a company desires to be remarkable and the best. If you don't want to strive to be those things, then, yes, social media is not for you and that is OK.
- Craigslist, better websites, modifying SEO (by the way, Social Media is an essential piece to that puzzle), and email are all great tools to help your marketing efforts. They are not better, just great tools that integrate with all your communication efforts.
In general, an integrated approach to better communicate with all your customers (future, current, or previous) is the best way to look at how to use the Internet, social media, and websites to enhance your brand. New Media tools are no different than ones that we have grown to rely on like the mail, telephones, television, email, etc. We're social beings. We enjoy doing business with others, and we trust each other's opinions more than we trust the opinion of an advertisement. It's only natural for new media tools to be incorporated in business. The challenge is finding your niche for how it best works for you. There is no cookie cutter approach that you can buy. This is why so many are skeptical because you can't just wait for someone to make something for you to buy. You have to dive in and make the tools work for you in the most efficient way possible. In the end social media still may not be for you, and like I said, that's OK.