Raffles of new move ins of items students can use. Often parents are paying rent so decide is it something financial thar student won’t benefit from or something they will - TV , IPad , enhanced WiFi internet , Uber certificates , food/ restaurant certificates ,
Referral bonuses that increase by the number of referrals.
You have to follow up CONSTANTLY. Kids have a short attention span and you’re going to need to stay in the forefront of their mind with all the competition. Also, create a spreadsheet for placement and start placing immediately so you always have a running inventory of what you have available. Last thing you want to do is over lease a floor plan and upset students and parents.
Your biggest generation right now is Gen Z. They are more practical like Gen X, very independent and want experiences based on their goals. Events that highlight an organization, are well planned and allow them to use on social media will always win!
As a parent of three college students who has co-signed so many leases, when it comes to the lease and financials…communicate with us please. Emailing my oldest 300 times still won’t get you anywhere. I’m the one that is going to read the lease and pay the deposits and rent.
Also, incentivized and reward us parents for juggling all the things and taking care of our kid’s stuff and making them do it and making sure they are good renters.
3 years 5 months ago#49432by Christina Robinson Race
Follow up on EVERY lead!!! We are all being inundated by a LOT of e-leads, chatbot leads, etc. And data says we are only following up on about 50% of the leads! So outshine your competitors and FOLLOW UP on EVERY lead! And be creative and have fun with it...and follow up a bunch of times! You will lease because you'll be the only one who followed up with them!