So I managed 750 for 5 years. We split the property into sections and assigned one maint and one admin. Admin walked their area 1x per week. They made a list for maint and posted notices for lease compliance issues and tagged cars.
Staffing wise, I had two assistants, one focused solely on money, the other on renewals and elevated customer service issues.
Then there was a leasing manager, who managed team and approved files before sending to me for final approval. And lastly, we had a Resident Services Director who focused only on residents! Warm calls. Follow ups, packages, taking work orders, etc.
Everyone knew the order. So if an angry resident came in, we whisked them to res services to free up leasing for leasing. If res services couldn’t resolve issue, it elevated to the assistant manager.
A super strong admin maint sup will help you sooo much- one that can do his own bids, closing out work orders, scheduling, team management, busget control ok maint expenses.
Our admin team also used Google chats. We had separate group chats. One specifically for just file approvals. We were not in a great location, and sometimes could be dangerous. So we Had one for when they left office. If you went on tour, to walks vacant, or on lunch, you commented in the group chat. Then I knew where my team was at all times and I could check on them if they were AWOL too long. (We had issues with homeless hiding in Vacants).