We put a mail box on post at the development and cleared the address for delivery. Depending on how much info you enter you can also verify by phone. If you have a website live prior to GBP going live that also helps.
It?s the worst. Google will not allow you to verify until the business is ?open and operational.? Even though we all know you are preleasing in another location. I provided photos of the banners with the community name and of the leasing office and they denied it every time. I tried putting in a forwarding address, but they will not forward the postcard. It is infuriating. Only once we had CO would Google approve and allow us to verify.
Kelle W Seny? They let me verify my brand new property that is still not open without a postcard. We did have a website live and a web page on our Managment website as well. I've also verified over the phone via a video call with them in the past. Definitely make sure you have a mailbox and are set up with the post office. I just verified another property with a postcard and it took 7 days to arrive.
No P.O. box, we just put up a temporary mailbox that was accessible/deliverable from the main rd. The property roads are still unpaved. I do understand your frustration. I would suggest reaching out to google support/a real person for assistance.
Carissa Marie the post office will confirm with you if they will deliver to it or not. We talked to them first, then put up the temporary mailbox per their recommendations.
Carissa Marie if you want to link your email below I can send you a guide and FAQ we send out. Not sure if it will resolve the issue you are having but I know I?ve seen this happen before!
Another thing that I have done is switch to my personal google account and use the 'suggest an edit' button to get information added or corrected. That doesn't help you get verified but it can help you get info updated.