It's starts from the moment they walk in. Tell prospects everything!

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1 year 10 months ago #636052 by Kristina Janis
It's starts from the moment they walk in. Tell prospects eveything! How you run the community, what you expect, your polices, what they should expect.

At move in explain the lease, encourage them to read the lease. Yes I know it's their responsibility to read but as a human you should have good customer services and tell them anyway.

Some people are from other countries, or it's their first apartment, yes some people just don't know.

*Example :They don't know you don't put pasta down the drain, they just think , hey a grinder, grinder cutts up eveything.

When it's their first apartment, try and make it the best possible experience ever, especially if they are from another country. These impressions last a life time and trust me people go back to what they know. So if they move and their experience isn't so great at the new community guess where their first stop will be when finding another apartment??

During their stay at the community OVER communicate . ( They are going to be mad either way, either because you didn't tell them or because you did. Atleast their mad your truthful with them!)

It starts from the beginning. Leasing agents especially because they are the first a prospects meets that represents your community.

Be honest with fees , hidden fees etc. I get so tired of communities just trying to get the lease and money only, then wonder why they get so many bad reviews , why the residents get upset because the policy's weren't told from the start. Not to mention so much turn over, evictions.

Oh and make sure your team stays on the same page. It can be easy to stray away from what's put in place but then you have residents who know who they can play. Just like kiddos.

If you change polices in the middle of their stay , inform all residents. Post on website.

*Please make sure your making your team feel appreciated and valued. Trust me it goes along way as they are the foundation of your community.

If the foundation is good eveything else falls into place.

Teach your team how to also value and appreciate themselves. Make them read motivational books,etc.

Do alot of team building activities!!!

Structure and great customer service is the way to go. Just my morning rant.
1 year 10 months ago #636052 by Kristina Janis
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1 year 10 months ago #636053 by Ashley Blair
My typical move-in orientation is 45 minutes, but have take well over an hour at times. My longest was around 2.5 hours. My first question is always "Did you get a chance to read the lease?" 90% of the time they admit they didn't. My goal is to ensure they know what to expect from me, and what I expect from them.
1 year 10 months ago #636053 by Ashley Blair
Steph Bosworth
1 year 10 months ago #636054 by Steph Bosworth
Fantastic reminder! Thank you!
1 year 10 months ago #636054 by Steph Bosworth
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1 year 10 months ago #636055 by Andrea Pearce
I love this and agree wholeheartedly!!!
1 year 10 months ago #636055 by Andrea Pearce
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1 year 10 months ago #636056 by Mark Tanguay
My typical move-in orientation is 45 minutes, but have take well over an hour at times. My longest was around 2.5 hours. My first question is always "Did you get a chance to read the lease?" 90% of the time they admit they didn't. My goal is to ensure they know what to expect from me, and what I expect from them.
1 year 10 months ago #636056 by Mark Tanguay
Jesse Holland
1 year 10 months ago #636057 by Jesse Holland
1 year 10 months ago #636057 by Jesse Holland
Mike Powers
1 year 10 months ago #636058 by Mike Powers
I recently had a call with investment consultants. We discussed how good property mgt is a high touch high level of engagement. Well run properties are not operated by remote control from a distance.
Hands on high touch makes a difference.
1 year 10 months ago #636058 by Mike Powers
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1 year 10 months ago #636059 by Chris Finetto
I’ve created cheat sheets for residents. What days can I pay rent? What if I pay after that day? How do I pay my rent? How do I submit a maintenance request? What’s an emergency request? Are things really fixed in 24hrs? What if I decide to get a dog or a cat? What if I park my car not in a parking spot? What can’t I place on my patio? When do I tell you I am moving out? Or staying? How do I clean my floors, counters, bathtub?
Stupid shit that matters. Then I tape it to the inside of the cabinet door.
1 year 10 months ago #636059 by Chris Finetto
Patti Scioneaux
1 year 10 months ago #636060 by Patti Scioneaux
Yes, yes, and yes!
1 year 10 months ago #636060 by Patti Scioneaux
Jessi Jess
1 year 10 months ago #636061 by Jessi Jess
Love it sharing with my team
1 year 10 months ago #636061 by Jessi Jess
Lesley Wilson
1 year 10 months ago #636062 by Lesley Wilson
I love everything about this post!
1 year 10 months ago #636062 by Lesley Wilson
1 year 10 months ago #636507 by E.Grant
Omg. I love this. I have been doing this at my properties for 20+years with the most patience care and respect and people actually appreciate it. The feedback I have received over the years has been phenomenal even when they forget and I have to charge them I kindly remind them we had the discussion so it’s a mistake with a price tag. I don’t get as much resident interaction now but this honest respectful open resident communication from day one minute one is sorely lacking in the business right now.
1 year 10 months ago #636507 by E.Grant