What do you all use for keys? I’m working with a company that has metal keys, one master for the entire portfolio and has not been at all strict about who gets a key. I’m recommending they change locks and reduce the number of doors each master unlocks, switch to fobs, or use key pads. Any strong feelings about one system over another?
We use keytrac and handytrak. Keys are kept locked and you enter your info and passcode into the computer along with unit #. It allows only people with access to get the keys and tracks who has what key when and for how long.
At the end of each night, PM will run a report to see what keys are out.
Oh no! That would be a no go in FL. I like Key Trak best. Handy Trac is also good and a fraction of the cost. Master keys should be outlawed in every state.
We have eltronic locks... key track is great if you have under a certain amount of units... but properties that have 400+ units it's hard. Master keys are also a huge liability! Someone quits without notice or any circumstances like that... electronic locks are the way to go now days!
I'm a no on key fobs after a building started settling (normal), as it messed with the fob system and residents being able to get in. Lots of after hours calls.