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4 "Easy Button" Closing techinques for your toolbox.

4 "Easy Button" Closing techinques for your toolbox.

4 "Easy Button" Closing techinques for your toolbox.


The more closing techniques you know, the more likely it is that you will close the sale and get that lease today. Yes, leasing is a skill and Rock Star Leasing Agents are made, not born. Most successful Leasing Agents were at one time shy, insecure, and not awesome at leasing apartments but they became great by learning and practicing the essential skills of leasing, including how to close. So, as learning is growing, and sharing is caring, here are 4 “easy button” techniques for you to help you Rock your closing ratios.


Begin With the End in Mind

Each step you take in your Leasing presentation should be leading you towards getting that lease today. With each prospect interaction and tour, remind yourself of where you want to go and focus your efforts on moving in that direction. Without knowing where you are going, you may find yourself taking steps that lead you away from getting the lease. Keep focused on your purpose (getting that application today) during each step in your presentation.


Build Value

In a price-sensitive market, the winner is the one who is able to show more value than the asked for rental price. Value is determined not by the market, but by your client. Show them that your Community has more value than the rental price, and the lease is yours.



Be Nice To Your Enemies

Face it, we all have competition in every Lease.  If you put down your competition, (I have seen this happen way too many times) you immediately put the customer on the defensive and it really does not help you or your company’s image. Speaking negatively about your competition very well may cost you the lease. Instead, praise the competition where they are strong yet point out where your community outshines everyone else.


Close Your Mouth

You ask your prospect to fill out the application. Now what? SSSHHH!  One of the golden rules in sales/leasing is “After a closing question is asked, the first person who talks, loses.” Rookie Leasing Professionals often talk themselves out of the Lease because their excitement and nervousness put their mouths on auto-drive and they often end up bringing up or saying something that the prospect hadn't thought about yet. The temptation to talk is huge especially right after you ask a closing question as that moment could feel awkwardly quiet. Its ok, it’s supposed to!  Once you learn how to resist the temptation and how to close your mouth, I promise your closing ratios will increase.


It is so true that the more tools you have in your leasing toolbox, the more likely you are to get that application today. I hope you will find these 4 techniques useful as you master your leasing skills and launch your closing ratios!