December is National Bingo month creating a Bingo card with leasing, maintenance or administrative tasks can create a fun environment for some team competition
Layering the tasks for the month with a theme can build some friendly competition as well as an element of fun. Our team members spend at least eight hours a day together..a third of every day..but a much higher percentage of time if you take away the hours an individual sleeps.
Study after study shows individuals look for much more than the financial compensation from their employment. Recognition, appreciation, and a positive team environment are among the components that create a supportive workplace.
Evaluating a property’s performance, the value of an experienced staff is always quickly identified as a key contributor to success.
There are any number of calendars that identify fun themes for specific days, the week, the month. Use them to create themes for team meetings, resident appreciation or a marketing tool for outreach with prospects or businesses.
Develop an activity to Play With People! Have fun every day!