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Charisma-Nature or Nurture?

Charisma-Nature or Nurture?

Charisma-Nature or Nurture?

“Is there training on basic charisma? There are some people that just ooze charisma, seemingly naturally. But can something like that be taught?” This was a question I was presented with recently.


Merriam‑Webster defines charisma as. 1. A personal magic of leadership arousing special popular loyalty or enthusiasm for a public figure 2. A special magnetic charm or appeal.  

Most often, we view someone who is charismatic possessing traits such as being fascinating, charming, interesting, captivating, engaging, and magnetic. But are charismatic people just naturally born with it? Can charisma be learned, cultivated?

My unwavering answer is an absolute YES and YES. While I believe some people are naturally more charismatic than others I do also know the fundamental traits that make up charisma can absolutely be taught, learned, and developed. By cultivating your charisma you will not only improve your potential for success in any endeavor, but you will also strengthen your relationships both in your personal and professional arenas.

 If you are reading this and thinking you may not have been bestowed with innate charismatic flair and are interested in developing or increasing your charisma, one way is by observing and learning from people who you think have charisma and you will soon notice some common characteristics that you can easily master.  Below are a few basic characteristic traits to look for and how they can be developed:

·     * Confidence- Charismatic people are confident in a positive way, without being arrogant.

·     * Optimistic- Charismatic people are the encouragers who motivate with enthusiasm.

·     * Approachable- Charismatic people are warm and inviting.

·     * Interested- Charismatic people are good listeners, they are interested in what people have to say.

·      *Interesting-Charismatic people are adept at communicating clearly and are able to keep their audience’s attention. 

·      *Consistent- Charismatic people are comfortable with who they are and of their opinions so they are consistent.


Charisma is not just a combination of these traits, but they are a great starting point. How do you feel about your levels of each of these traits? What might those close to you say about you where these traits are concerned? Self-awareness and the opinions of other whom you trust are a great place to start towards “improving to oozing” charisma.