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Communication Skills Activity

Communication Skills Activity

We can all improve our communication skills, right?

I like to use this simple and fun activity to help sharpen our ability to listen with comprehension and clearly communicate our instructions. This activity works best when people are paired in groups of two - no limit on how many groups of two there are. 



blank paper, pen, marker, pencil, or whatever writing instrument you have handy



You start by identifying who will be the listeners and who will be the communicators and there will need to be an equal amount of each role. The listeners will be given a blank sheet of paper and a writing utensil. The communicators will be given a sheet of paper outlining steps to draw basic figures (examples are cat, cupcake, turtle, etc).

The communicator will need to clearly articulate to the listener what it is they want them to do, step by step, in order to achieve the desired outcome. The listeners are encouraged to ask clarifying questions to make sure they understand what it is they are being asked to do.

The only rule is there is absolutely no peeking while the activity is taking place! The listeners cannot see the picture that is in the communicators hands and the communicator cannot look at what the listeners are drawing. It is best to have them back to back, facing away from each other. 


I love this activity for many reasons:

1. It helps break the ice when getting a group of people together for the first time. 

2. Everyone gets a laugh at the end when the drawing results are shared - what they drew vs what they were supposed to draw.

3. The lesson behind it - so many times we are given instructions that maybe aren't that clear and the finished result isn't up to par. Perhaps the expectations were not properly set by the person communicating the task. Perhaps the listener is unsure of what to do first or what steps to take, etc and doesn't ask questions to follow up and make sure they are doing it right. This activity encourages clear and open communication between both parties. 


Feel free to play around with the idea and have a little fun!

Here are some of my favorite easy drawing lessons to use are: