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Fire up your presentations using Hot Buttons!

Fire up your presentations using Hot Buttons!

Fire up your presentations using Hot Buttons!

The hot button close is considered by many leasing professionals to be a very powerful closing technique, and I have to agree it is one of my favorites for sure. The hot button close is based on the fact that 80% of the buying decision is determined by 20% of the features and benefits. It is up to you to find the hot buttons, or the key benefits of your community that the prospect wants more than anything else. You then push these hot buttons over and over again during your presentation. Every time you mention the hot button or buttons, the prospect's desire to live at your community goes up. Every time you talk about something that is not really important to them, their desire to lease goes down. It’s really that simple.  Great leasing professionals are those who question skillfully and listen carefully to the answers. When you give your prospects enough opportunity to talk, they will tell you everything that you need to know to lease to them. You are only really selling when you are asking questions and actively listening to what they're looking for, what they want, what they need, what they're concerned about, and what their worries are. The more you ask questions and listen to their responses, the more likely it is that the prospect will say, “This is what I'm looking for.” This is the key benefit. Until your prospect hears or sees that key benefit, they won't make the decision to lease.  Your job is to discover and then push the hot button or buttons, over and over again. As a leasing professional, listening for the hot buttons- then building your sales efforts around them is a sure fire guaranteed way to increase your closing ratios.