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Four Reasons Why Repiping Is The Proven Solution For Aging Properties

Four Reasons Why Repiping Is The Proven Solution For Aging Properties

Four Reasons Why Repiping Is The Proven Solution For Aging Properties

The art of the modern multi-family repipe (the installation of new pipe to replace old or defective piping) has been around for over 30 years. As buildings begin to show their age, little thought is paid to the reality that aging is more than skin deep. Lurking behind the newly painted walls and beyond the fresh interior upgrades, the plumbing systems we rely on for drinking water, heat, and waste management begin to fail. As failures increase, more leaks are likely to occur.  And, history shows that a repipe solution is often the most efficient and reliable fix for leaking pipes.

As such, here are four critical reasons why repiping is the most reliable and cost-effective method for fixing leaking pipes:

Minimally Invasive 

Counter to the common belief that a repipe is a messy and disruptive process, repiping is, in fact, a time-tested approach that guarantees a minimally disruptive project for both the residents and property management.  Holes are cut with surgical precision in the walls to route the new piping in the most efficient manner from the piping entry point in the unit to each fixture.  At the end of the first day, the unit typically has a completely new piping system.  Residents do not have to move out during the repipe process, and have the guarantee that water is back on and the unit is fully functional each evening.

Reliability & Quality Control

Contrary to alternative methods of pipe repair, repiping is a proven process and time-tested solution for replacing any type of leaking pipe, (polybutylene, cast iron, copper, galvanized steel and more).  Additionally, where required, every repipe project is inspected pursuant to the local government code. This provides a third party independent inspection of the installation, ensuring peace of mind for everyone involved.

Long-term ROI

Deferring replacement of leaking pipes has significant negative operational and financial impacts including: unhappy residents, property damage, increased costs associated with quick fixes, increased insurance claims, strained maintenance resources, and more.   By replacing your leaking pipes, your operating budget will be positively impacted and will quickly help offset the costs of a repipe.

Turnkey Process

Compared to a general contractor, who will often subcontract most, or all of the work required for pipe replacement, experienced pipe replacement contractors have processes in place to deliver on-time and on-budget, with minimal disruption.  Quality pipe replacement contractors provide a complete pipe replacement program, from assessment to system installation, and our turnkey service includes a site evaluation, estimating and budgeting, a scheduling plan, and a resident communications package customized for each project.

When it comes to making the best investment decision for addressing aging buildings, pipe replacement is simply the smarter solution.