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Google Web Search’s New Structured Snippets

Google Web Search’s New Structured Snippets

Google Web Search’s New Structured Snippets

Google Web Search is always evolving in an effort to continually increase each user’s experience. Structured Snippets are a new feature that provides important and relevant facts as “result snippets” in a Web Search. This helps users find the particular information they may be searching for, without having to browse an entire web page.

For example, in a search for an apartment community, snippets could return your floor plans, amenities, and rent prices just from the Google search page. Facts will vary with each search, as this feature continues to be perfected and enhanced for easier user experience.

This new feature has been brought about due to the partnership between Google Research and the Web Search team. Through machine learning techniques and new algorithms to determine better quality and relevance, each snippet returns up to four facts. You can find snippets on your mobile searches as well.