Wood Partners has found an immensely successful “pay it forward” strategy by marketing some of its apartment communities at Starbucks’ in-store or drive-thru lines. The campaigns have proven to be uplifting for the employees, prospective residents and the everyday citizens who live and work in their markets.
It partners with Starbucks often and has great success with these outreach events at Starbucks locations near our communities, Wood Partners' Goldie Bartlett says. One of her favorite ways to outreach at Starbucks and other local coffee shops is to have a pay-it-forward events where Wood Partners purchases coffee drinks for the prospects and distributes information about its community.
"It creates feel-good experiences that are memorable for the patrons and at the same time, helps us to get the word out about our new communities," she says. "I can only imagine the word-of-mouth exposure that our communities receive when the recipients of a pay it forward coffee drink share the news with friends, family and colleagues.
Learn more about her experience with this marketing strategy, based on an Apartment All Stars presentation at Apartmentalize: