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Leasing With Confidence, Converting Every Prospect Into A Future Resident

Leasing With Confidence, Converting Every Prospect Into A Future Resident

The most important function in property management is leasing. With no rentals, no residents, no rental income, no revenue, expenses can’t be paid, property failure results in foreclosure.

Leasing is the life blood of our industry. Unfortunately, leasing positions at a property are often viewed as the entry level and often experience the highest volume of turnover. Often, the employee turnover is a result of promotions to a manager/management role. Most successful managers will continue to participate in the leasing process, not isolate themselves in an office with their reports, computer and purchase orders. This allows the Manager to mentor new hires, as well as keeping active in the leasing responsibilities, reinforcing the importance of leasing, EVERYONE leases.

Leasing teams should be empowered with the importance of their role. Their energy and enthusiasm will be the determining factor when a prospect chooses to lease or continue their search. Within the property management environment, too many individuals would respond to an inquiry of what do you do?, with a response of “I work for ABC Management Company.”

As leaders, supervisors, how can the philosophy of “I lease apartments, I help families with one of the most important decisions they face; providing housing for their family,” become the driving force and daily focus.

At the end of the day, can we determine success as “I leased two apartments today,” as opposed to; its 6 o’clock time to go home.

Every person that calls the leasing office or comes through the door is interested in renting an apartment. Successful leasing teams will ask enough questions, and show enough interest to identify needs and wants of the prospect. The goal to provide a solution for future housing much more effective and useful than simply providing information and answering questions regarding pricing and availability. Without the closure of suggesting how the property meets the needs for the prospect, the prospect leaves the property drowning with information overload.

In our need it now society, few individuals are looking for housing six months from now, or later. The “just looking” response is an easy out for a leasing person that isn’t confident in selling their product.

Leasing staff should start every conversation with the assumption the prospect will make their decision today, and the move in date is a matter of scheduling, not IF but WHEN. With a friendly knowledgeable leasing team, the prospect will be anxious to commit to the apartment, reserving their apartment before its leased to someone else.

There should be time each day to review the leasing traffic, creating accountability for the results for each phone call and each visit. Emphasis placed on closing every piece, not allowing a “maybe the next one” philosophy to develop. The job description for leasing should include an expectation for closing. Individuals hired to lease must understand to be successful, is measured in terms of leases, not attendance. Too many prospective leases leave the property without ever being asked, “Can I start the reservation process for you today?” Every lease represents thousands of dollars in rent revenue, why wouldn’t every effort be made to close the deal while the prospect is in the office, or a model home?


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