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Making the Most of Facebook Marketplace Advertising

Making the Most of Facebook Marketplace Advertising

Making the Most of Facebook Marketplace Advertising

Facebook Marketplace Advertising has become the “Go To” for apartment marketing.

There are a number of advantages .

For our prospects we are advertising a specific apartment home to them.  They can respond at any hour, requesting more information and details.

We can update our postings and post new content in minutes, changing photos or other engaging content.

The key to success is the personal engagement, and follow up.  Many individuals express concern that leads might hit their mail box in the middle of the night.  No one is expecting any team member to grab their phone at 3 a.m. to respond to a lead.  But the more timely the response, the increased opportunity for a lease.


For the prospects, within Facebook Marketplace there are conversation bubbles with questions ready to reflect their interest.  One click, and “is this still available?” jumps into the conversation.

Our basic 101 leasing skills fit the Facebook Marketplace Advertising model.  We obviously, don’t need to ask how they learned about the community, but we can start a our leasing conversation; identifying needs and building rapport.

  • What size home are they interested in?
  • When are they hoping to move?
  • Do they have any pets?
  • What length of lease term do they need?

The key is including questions in every response.  If we only provide facts, we can’t gauge the individual’s interest.  When a conversation includes questions, we continue the engagement.

As soon as possible, you want to secure contact information, phone, email, complete name.  This will improve the opportunities for follow up.

Taking the Next Step

After obtaining the apartment wish list and time line.  We’re still following our leasing process.  Its time to offer the options for how we present our product.

Any time that our prospects complete a tour, we still have the challenge to present a closing to our prospect.  There must be a scheduled end of the tour recap to obtain feedback, provide offers and confirm how to finish an application process.

Follow Up

There are two paths of prospect follow up.

First, we will have many general inquiries, again that question; “Is this available", is one click.  Out of dozens of questions, there will be one or two true leads.  No different than all of our previous leasing experience.

Some individuals will never engage with us again.  We can give them another follow up email to determine if there is any interest.  This also applies to the individuals that schedule an appointment but do not participate in a leasing tour.

On the second path, a prospect tours our property.  It then comes to us to offer a closing presentation.  Its great to complete a tour.  But we have to ask for the lease.  And when our prospect responds, even virtually, the ”I need to think about it.”  We need to continue with our efforts to follow up on an offer to lease the apartment home.

Closing The Lease

Another benefit of having secured name, and contact information takes the transition from a guest or a prospect to becoming an applicant. From the tour, we need the commitment.  An explanation of the application process.  We continue to follow up with our prospects until we have an appointment for signing a lease and a move in date.




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