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Marketing Buzzwords: What Do They Mean?

Marketing Buzzwords: What Do They Mean?

Marketing Buzzwords: What Do They Mean?

Marketers have a unique jargon that, quite frankly, can be confusing! Have no fear – we’re going to break down some of the confusing buzzwords that you’ve probably heard and wondered about. No matter what ‘language’ you speak, the implementation of the word is what is most important – the name you give it is up to you!


1. SoLoMo – This fun term sums up the meaning of localized social interaction between you and your customers, facilitated by mobile devices. Social, Local, Mobile! 


2. Crowdsourcing – Basically, distributing tasks to a large group of people to solve problems. With social media at the forefront of communication, crowdsourcing is an easy, effective way to obtain valuable information from your customers or clients. For example, you can invite members of your community to create and share interesting content for a community newsletter or blog.


3. Second Screening – If you’ve watched television while using a tablet or smartphone, then you’ve ‘second screened.’ Second screen apps are increasingly allowing for integration between television advertising and digital. Viggle is a prime example of this phenomenon – by ‘checking in’ to television programs through your smartphone or tablet’s Viggle app, you can earn points, play trivia games, chat with friends, and redeem those hard-earned points for a reward of your choice.


4. Engagement – No, not the kind that leads to marriage. We’re talking about real interaction with your customers. This may be through social media, in-person conversation, email, or even texting. Just listen to what your customers are saying – and be sure to respond genuinely and promptly!


5. Responsive Design – Whether your customer is using a mobile device or a computer to search the web, it’s important that your website adapts to the type device that the viewer is using. For example, ForRentUniversity.com uses responsive technology, which means that it automatically adapts to the mobile website if users are browsing with a smartphone or tablet.


6. Content Marketing – It’s no longer acceptable to use social media simply to spam your customers. It’s important to share valuable and relevant content in order to engage your audience. Customers will appreciate the helpful information that you’re providing, and they will look to you as a trusted source. For example, you could write an article promoting the new recycling program in your community and provide helpful information regarding what types of materials are recyclable. Not only are you achieving the benefit of self-promotion for your community’s program, but you are providing useful information for your residents.


7. Opting In – With a wide array of email subscriptions and text messaging programs being offered to consumers, they can opt in to receive news, special offers, and content that is tailored to their interests. By choosing to opt in, they expect to gain something of value in return for offering their contact information. 


8. Word of Eye – Consumers are highly visual and technological advances have turned visual currency into the currency of choice. It’s more important than ever to use graphics and visuals to build your brand experience in order to encourage users to share your content. Use high-quality, interesting photos that capture your community at its best and be sure to include these images on your website and social media platforms. PicMonkey is a great tool for editing images and adding text in order to draw attention to your photos. Post these eye-catching images on your social media networks, especially those that are highly visual, such as Instagram and Facebook. If your image links to an article or website, be sure to pin it to Pinterest, too!


So there you have it, some of the most popular marketing buzzwords getting name-dropped right now! What new buzzwords are you hearing? Share in the comments below!



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