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Multifamily Marketing Survey - How Do You Use Leads

Multifamily Marketing Survey - How Do You Use Leads

One of the hotter topics in marketing today is getting a handle on true conversion ratios.  Everyone agrees that it is important to understand your lead funnel and create baseline metrics from which you can judge the success (or not) of various marketing and sales initiatives.

Of course, no one has completely solved the analytics, though some are pretty satisfied with what they have. Others know they need to find a way to do better. This got us thinking about what the “state of the industry” is with respect to lead measurement and our understanding of various conversion ratios along the path to leasing.

So we’ve decided to write a white paper describing where the industry is with metrics. And we NEED YOUR HELP! Please take just a few minutes to fill out this very short survey to give us your opinion on where your company will be. If you choose to give us your email address, we’ll enter you in a drawing for an Amazon gift card, and we’ll make sure you get a free copy of the white paper as soon as it’s done.

Thanks in advance for your help!



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