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When Leadership Fails: Top Symptoms Your Development Program Needs Attention

When Leadership Fails: Top Symptoms Your Development Program Needs Attention


You know that sinking feeling you get when you experience symptoms that might be wrong with your health, but you also don't want to see your doctor about it?

Maybe it's because you're too busy, you're worried about the cost, you're afraid of what your doctor will say, or you think it'll get better on its own. 

Well, just as a lot of medical issues won't get better on it's own, the same thing is true with leadership issues...especially if you're seeing the symptoms that the leadership "health" in your company is poor!

What are the common symptoms that your leadership development needs attention?

One: Poor Communication

Poor communication can look like frequent misunderstandings and confusion among the team; lack of clarity in instructions and expectations, leading to poor performance; and the feeling that everyone in the "boat" is not rowing in the same direction. 

Two: Internal Conflict

If you're seeing an increase in complaints, tension, passive aggressive comments and behavior, decreased morale, disengagement and reduced cohesion, that is a tell tale sign that the team needs attention immediately. This often happens because there is a disconnect between the leader and the team; there is disconnection between the leader and the team; there are unresolved issues that the leader has not dealt with; or the leader doesn't know what to do to handle internal conflicts. 

Three: Negative Team Energy

If you walk into a community and you just feel the NEGATIVE AIR, and you can cut the tension with a knife, that's a symptom it's time to do something. 

Four: Afraid to Make Decisions

If you're feeling frustrated that your managers can't make decisions without asking you about it; or they over think every decision; or seem to be unable to make any kind of decisions, it is because they either don't know how to make the decision, or are afraid of making the wrong decision, or both! This a surefire sign they could use a little (or a lot) of help and support to help them make good decisions out of bold confidence. 

Five: Finger Pointing

Finger pointing, covering up, deflecting, defensive responses, not taking ownership are classic (and common) signs that leaders need even more development and growth. 

The bad news is the symptoms do NOT go away by themselves. (Even if you think they should!)

The good news, if you provide training and coaching to help your management team become better leaders, you WILL see results.  

So, if you've seen one, some or all of these classic symptoms of leadership dysfunction, it's time to focus on helping your team of leaders get "healthy" so that everyone can be happy!


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