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Tips For Easy Landscape Maintenance On Your Rental Properties

Tips For Easy Landscape Maintenance On Your Rental Properties

How your landscape looks is very important to the success of your rental property. You want that landscaping to be high quality, easy to maintain, and attractive — but how do you get to that point? There are several steps you can take to make the landscaping on your rental property look great and last for a long time. Then, you can lower your maintenance costs but your landscaping won't look neglected.

Balancing affordability and aesthetic appeal is key to having a rental property that's strong when it comes to getting and keeping renters. Good landscaping can help you get more renters into your properties, and keep current renters happy, too. Naturally, both of those are important for rental properties. Here are four great ways you can improve the look of your landscaping and maintain it easily for the long term.


1. Consider Your Upkeep Now and in the Future

When thinking about the kind of upkeep you will have on your landscaping, it's very important to consider more than just cutting the grass or weeding the flowerbeds next weekend. Instead, think both short and long term. When you focus on your immediate needs only, you won't get the kinds of plants and other items needed to keep your landscape looking great all year. Choosing plants and other landscaping needs that are better designed to hold up on a yearly basis or longer is not only easier, but can save you a lot of money in the long run. 

Unfortunately, too many people don't think about the long-term effects of the landscaping they use. When they choose just what works for the moment or what they think looks good for that specific season, they quickly discover there are problems that will end up costing them money over time. Not only does it cost them more in landscaping specifically, but it also costs them because potential renters may not like how the property’s exterior looks. When there are problems with the way the complex or property appears on the outside, many people think there will also be problems on the inside.


2. Find Ways to Perform Maintenance for Less

Performing maintenance costs money, whether you do it yourself or hire someone. If you maintain the landscaping on your own, it will cost you whatever else you would have been doing at that time. If you're paying someone else to handle your landscaping maintenance, you have to budget for that cost when determining how much you should charge for rent and other factors. Shopping around for a good maintenance person who doesn't charge too much, providing tools and other items, or doing the work yourself can help cut costs.


3. Choose Long-Lasting Products

If you buy something that doesn't hold up, you'll have to keep replacing it. Not only does that get expensive, but it's time-consuming and can leave your landscaping looking unattractive. For example, using rubber mulch helps ensure that your lawn will continue looking attractive for years. You don't have to replace it nearly as often, so the slightly higher upfront cost will be well worth it based on how long it lasts. You also won't need to maintain or do anything with it, making it simple to keep your landscaping beautiful.


4. Work With Native Plants and Grasses

The plants and grasses that you choose for your landscaping should be native to your local area. They require little effort, and will continue to grow and thrive without a high water bill or other needed changes. They are easy to take care of, which helps keep them looking great, and can mean that you or your maintenance person won't need to do as much work. Overall, these types of plants are the best choice for multifamily rentals, since maintenance costs can become too high with non-native options.