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Toasting the New Year, With the Team Meeting

Toasting the New Year, With the Team Meeting

New Year ToastThe “Toast” is an event.  It is a public gesture to appreciate something. It does more than just that, it unites a group of people.

Using “The Toast” as a theme for the first team meeting of the year, carries the holiday celebration into the New Year.

With a “Toast” theme, fresh from New Year Celebrations, the team could be challenged to toast (not roast) team members.  It can be an opportunity to recognize previous year accomplishments.  Goals and challenges for the upcoming year could be offered.  Sample toasts, allowing a fill the blank option can provide an opportunity for everyone to participate without experiencing frustration or embarrassment.

Toast The New YearThe menu for the meeting includes juice or sparkling water served in plastic champagne style flutes; the entrée for the breakfast meal, french toast.  Of course!

Team meetings are often unappreciated.  Viewed as a waste of time, occasionally eliminated from the agenda.


  • We don’t have time.
  • There isn’t that much to cover.
  • A team member is absent or scheduled away.

Failure to prepare meeting content, or establishing a schedule that doesn’t requires attendance for the team meeting undermines the importance of sharing goals and expectations for the team.

For each member of the team to appreciate the importance of their role, the explanation of weekly goals is imperative.  The contribution of every team member is essential to a successful week.

The team meeting communicates the schedule for the week.   Scheduled move ins, move outs, preventive maintenance, represent important items for every member of the team.  Taking time to offer recognition in team meetings emphasizes the value of the team.

Creating a fun atmosphere for the team meeting will initiate a positive attitude for the meeting.  In addition, the content of the meeting becomes memorable with the repetition points.  Eating french toast, offering toasts of recognition and encouragement, while discussing the goals and schedule for the week.