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Turn The "Complain Train" Around

Turn The "Complain Train" Around

Turn The "Complain Train" Around

Your resident is in front of you, angered by a mistake you or a member of your team made. Not so sweetly laying into grievances, feeling management has been unfair to them. What do you do?

When the inevitable complaints come, it's natural to get defensive and explain why the person's complaint isn't legitimate, maybe even sink into a tit for tat conversation..but that never gets you anywhere as we all know.

Instead of relying on the same old knee jerk response of “oh these crazy residents and their issues” I challenge you to embrace each criticism you get as an opportunity to strengthen the relationship. Yes, even with those residents that come to you hopping mad.

If you follow the steps below while being confronted with an angry resident you may just be able to diffuse complaints and turn that irate person in front of you into a devoted fan in nearly every situation.


1.    Listen with an open mind

Hear what the person has to say and let the person speak their mind fully, without interruption and without questioning the validity of the problem. Try to resist saying anything until you fully understand what has happened and why exactly your resident  is upset. Ask your resident if it’s ok for you to take notes so you can be sure you are both on the same page.

2.    Very Important- Repeat the problem back

Once you see where the complaint is coming from, repeat it back in your own words so the person knows you've been listening with care and  understand the nature of their complaint  Do not move on from this step until  your resident acknowledges that you've gotten it right.

3.    Empathize and assure something will be done

Showing your sincere empathy will help neutralize any anger the person feels. In the vast majority of cases, you'll be amazed by how quickly this assurance calms the person.

4.    Follow up promptly

As soon as possible, follow up with your resident on the steps you plan to take to rectify the situation and prevent it from happening again.

The goal of this process is to show your resident that you truly care about them and value them as residents at your community.


When you approach complaints and criticism with openness, empathy, and a sincere desire to help, you will absolutely  significantly strengthen your relationship with your residents and your resident retention rates will  surely benefit as well.