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What is Multifamily’s Metric To Measure Automation In The #AgeOfAI?

What is Multifamily’s Metric To Measure Automation In The #AgeOfAI?

What is Multifamily’s Metric To Measure Automation In The #AgeOfAI?

Back in the pre-industrial era, horses were the backbone of the industry and used to power everything from transportation to heavy lifting. Then came James Watt, who not only revolutionized the world with his improved steam engine but also introduced a metric—Horsepower—that helped us quantify power in a way that transformed the Industrial Era. 

Today, we stand at a similar crossroads of a new revolution driven by AI and automation. Just as Watt's horsepower became the standard for measuring mechanical power, multifamily also needs its metric to gauge the level of automation.

So, What is Our Metric?

(Autonomous Agent/Month/Property) is the metric for Multifamily! 

AMP quantifies the power of automation by telling you exactly how many digital agents are added to your property each month because of AI and automation.

Simply put, 1 AMP equals 160 hours of automated work—the equivalent of one digital agent handling tasks like nurturing leads, scheduling tours, sending reminders, etc. With AMP, you can measure the level of automation on your property management operations, making it easier to optimize processes further and drive efficiency.

So, How Can You Calculate Your Property's AMP Correctly?

Now that you have a metric to gauge your automation level, the next step is to use it to calculate your property's automation level. Calculating AMP is easy and straightforward process.

Here's how you can determine it for your property:

For example, if automation saves you 320 hours in a month, your AMP score would be 320 ÷ 160 = 2 AMPs. That means you have the equivalent of two digital agents working for you!

By calculating your AMP, you can monitor how well your automation efforts are paying off and identify opportunities to further enhance efficiency. But It Doesn't Stop Here—It's Just the Beginning.

Calculating your AMP gives you a snapshot of where you stand, but the real value comes from improving it.

So, How Can You Improve Your Property's AMP?

It's time to look beyond individual properties and start comparing AMP across your portfolio. Identify the Leaders, the Majority, and the Laggards.

The leaders are those properties with high AMP scores that demonstrate strong automation levels. The Majority have decent AMP scores but room for improvement, while the Laggards are falling behind, missing out on the full potential of automation.

  • Standardize Best Practices: Adopt successful automated workflows from leaders.
  • Invest in Technology: Ensure all properties are equipped with the most effective AI and automation tools.
  • Monitor and Adjust: Regularly review AMP and processes to make necessary improvements.

Boosting your AMP isn't just about more automation—it's about smart automation. Let tech handle the routine tasks, freeing your team to focus on what truly matters: building relationships and decision-making. The right balance of automation and human touch will elevate your AMP, leading to better efficiency, happier residents, and a more empowered team.


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