Another really active discussion going on right now is
creative apartment marketing wording in Craigslist and other media
, and I want to take that same concept and apply it to your job listings! Even on MFI's
job board
, you will see that most of the listings are very generic, simply describing the position, but I personally think that if you want to attract the employees, you must get their attention! What do you think? Ideas?
After a while of searching, all the titles seem to run together. Just as it's important to stand out in your marketing, it's important to stand out to your prospective employees. Mundane postings are bound to get mundane responses. Be creative! I think the same concept applies to resume submissions. When I was looking for work, my subject line was 'successful lease up survivor...' It seemed to get more attention than 'Resume in response to blah blah blah'
I am wondering if you are an apartment manager listing jobs available.(Happened to click this site looking for a leasing position.)If you are, I do not think it matters. If not, never mind.
Hi "DMAHU" - I'm not sure if I understand your question... We have a jobs section on the site that has plenty of jobs to search through. just click on "
Apartment Jobs
" in the menu. Is that what you were looking for?
I'm looking for a leasing agent position in Southern NJ or the Philadelphia & surrounding area. Nothing listed on this site. Most companies want someone with previous leasing experience, which I do not have. I am changing careers. I taught Mathematics in the NJ public secondary schools, have had many sales, department manager positions, and cannot seem to get a job in leasing without previous experience. Suggestions?
Here is the best thing to do: Go to the
Apartment Jobs discussion area
and share this as a new discussion. Ask for advice how to get started when people are looking only for those with experience. You will surely get some guidance!