Hi, I'm interviewing for a position where I will be managing several buildings in a neighborhood with about a total of 280 units. Here are some stats:
-5-20 turnovers/month
-buildings are all in great shape maintenance-wise
-located in a popular neighborhood
-take maintenance calls/requests
-do rent roll
-be available 24/7 for emergencies
I've been asked to provide my salary requirements, but I'm hesitant to do so. I don't want to go too high (or low).
Every Market pays a little different. In Texas, a Property Manager's annual salary is between $40,000 - $55,000 on average, depending on the size of property, experience, management company, etc.
One way I have answered this question for myself is reviewing the "salary wizards" and websites available that breakdown the National Average as well as local averages. The one site I prefer is:
Good question and just as many employers don't want to talk salary the first interview, maybe you should refrain as well. I like asking what the position salary was in the past, and what qualifications the title holder had. Experts say never discuss salary until the end of the interview process when they have definitely said they want you. If pushed, give them a range and follow up with a caveat. "While this range is based on information I have at this time, I feel final negotiations can be left at the offer stage."
Your experience and skill level have value which may make you different from others, and one person definitely has move value over another based on these qualities. I agree with Chris there are several sites that can be used as a guide, however, two resources directly tied to PM's are available. First, NAA has information and in the past has performed surveys on salary so you might check there. Second, if you know a CPM they might be able to get you the analysis from their annual survey data.