I am searching for some opinions and advice on where qualified job seekers are going to find positions in the multi-family industry. We are located in Delaware and have had luck with Craigslist and Monster in the past, but lately we don't seem to be getting any good leads from these sites. Would anyone be willing to share what sources they are using to fill positions at their properties? Are you using recruiters or placement agencies? How did you find your position?
Perhaps with the economy people are not risking a change right now. I know I got my first position in property management simply because an acquaintance of mine did not know how to figure out her new property management software (Yardi) so she spent more than a year talking me into coming on board. (BTW, her RPM came in once a month to do her accounting!!!! Can you imagine? It was total chaos in that office when I got there.) I have been very happy since in this field! What kind of poistion are you trying to fill????? Maybe I would like a change
I agree with Mindy... a lot of qualified people aren't making any job changes right now, but I think nearly everyone is open to exploring an opportunity, if it's a good one.
Have you tried using MFI's Apartment Jobs or any of the other industry specific job boards? How about LinkedIn? If you're connected in the multifamily space, finding a great candidate could be as easy as who you know. Social media is a really great platform for getting referrals from industry professionals!
Thank you for your input. You are probably right about people not wanting to make a change right now. That's pretty much what we suspected. We've been considering using some of the social media forums, but because we've never used them before we weren't sure how many people are using them. We thought we'd ask around first to see if anyone was having luck in these areas. Sounds like that might be a good way to go. We are currenly looking for a facilities manager and trying to find the best place to go to find qualified property managers as well for future openings.