Wanted to throw this out there as well: a service/companion animal's breed can be restricted:
Can a landlord refuse a service dog based on breed?
In some specific cases, yes. For example, if the landlord can show that permitting a dog of a certain breed to reside on the premises would substantially increase his insurance premiums or cause his insurance carrier to drop him, then it would generally be considered an undue burden on the landlord and he can refuse to permit the dog even if it is a fully trained service dog.
This is the case with the company I work with. We cannot allow a few breeds regardless of whether they are a service/companion animal because our insurance would discontinue our coverage.
I went around looking for the information about this because the company I worked with when I originally started used to send me to fair housing seminars hosted by forrent.com and the lady we worked with stated, ecactly as you did, that we cannot restrict the breed of the animal.
I don't agree with this 100%, but. I don't own the company, so what can you do?