Just heard that Craigslist has asked PadMapper to wipe Craigslist postings from the PadMapper search engine. Are you all familiar with this tool, and do you see it affecting your Craigslist ads? Here is the story from PadMapper's blog:
Aw man, that's a bummer! Personally, PadMapper has been one of my primary resources when apartment hunting - location is a pretty big priority for me, and with PadMapper I could see a variety of online listings(although primarily Craigslist posts) and their proximity to my workplace, grocery stores, etc, all on one online map tool. Also, I can make notes about different listings and star my favorites, and it keeps track of listings I've already viewed - SO convenient. But PadMapper just isn't going to cut it without Craigslist, because in my experience, listings on Craigslist have some of the most competitive prices - which is another huge factor in my decision making. Those are just my thoughts from the perspective of a renter, and I'm really kinda disappointed that I won't have the same functionality I once had with this resource.