I work for a property management company and we manage 26 communities in Southern NJ and Pennsylvania. We are looking to contract someone to measure, draft and prepare floor plans for all of out communities. I’m not sure where to look for services like this, but I was hoping to get some further information or a referral to a company that can provide these services.
Hi Gina,
I had the same issue with a couple of properties we acquired. However, rather than start from scratch, I found the buildings' plans in storage and used those to create new brochures, etc. When I wanted to remodel, too, I was able to use those building plans/renderings. I have found every property has them (or at least a copy on site) but like me, you may have to dig through every storage closet and even the attic/basement to find them. The renderings are impportant to have because it illustrates shut offs, size of roofs, all the mechanicals and the original landscape plan (since some cities require you keep landscaping axactly as originally designed and require a variance to change things.) Once you have them, you can use a service that creates 3-D plans for website, etc.
If you do not have the original plans for the building on site; perhaps the owner does. If not, I would contact the city manager office to find out where they would be stored. They had to be registered with the local government for permits anyway.
You may need to pay a fee to have reproductions made if you do not have this on site; or if what you find is so old or damaged it is too difficult to read. This is an opportunity for you to make a tool available to your maintenance team and any vendors you may bring in.
If the original architect is still around and you have the plans; perhaps you can contract him to create what you need.