I'll start: My resolution is really a continuation on what we started this year, which is to simplify and focus. We were going in so many directions that we simply couldn't keep up, so the plan is to refine our processes on our core services, drop those that are not adding value, and then slowly roll out new and exciting features in a logical way.
Mine have pretty much through the years been the same. It is to strive for wisdom and have compassion. Be hard, but fair! Not let the bad apples cause me to see the whole basket as rotten. Know that I do not have all the answers and be open to new ideas and ways of doing things. Then the big, big one is never compremise my integrity!
Sometimes people gain power and lose compassion! Sometimes after being in a position for years think they know it all and are not open to new ideas!
I would like to think that no matter to which position I may obtain, that I never lose focus as to why I am where I am and that is to look out for all, not just the few, and neveer let a day go by where I did not give the best that I had to offer!
The real challange is not what you do when everything goes right, but what defines one is how they are when everything seems to be going wrong!
If there are not mortar rounds coming in, not running low on ammo, trapped in a mine field at night, not looking down the barrel of a shotgun with the trigger being pulled slowly back, then there is no stress! I am calm and every situation has a solution.
So, maybe more than a resolution it is a way of looking at life, but I refresh the thinking every year and I live by "Man in the Arena" by Presedent Theodore Roosevelt.
Happy New Years to all and God bless!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You know I can't say I've had time to think about it but of course I want to make huge improvements (doesn't everyone). I have huge hope for the new Webinar program and I'm pretty excited to be a part of it. In 2013, I hope I can refine some of the methods I use for work to be more time efficient and as always, learn... I think I learn something new almost everyday working for MFI and from everyone here and on facebook. That's the best part of my job!
Starting a new position this year means I will be concentrating on learning the properties: so creating new marketing plans, adhering to budgets I had no input in, and resolving some challenging staffing issues will be first priority. Then I would like to get my CAPS designation (moving has forced me to delay this); I really want to become involved in their local Apartment Association and take on a role there, teach a class, too! Finally, I would like to create and continue the social media programs I started and keep blogging, too!