This is a great video explaining what FourSquare is, in case you are still not quite sure, or you are trying to explain it to others! (Also includes interview with one of the founders, Dennis Crowley)
Very nice video explaining this social media venue. I found a little trick last week. I went to check in at a kolache shop and discovered it was not listed on FourSquare, yet. Therefore, the place was name by me: Kolache Factory near Ventura Lofts. Not only did I get to reveal a dining place near my property, but I was also able to add a marketing spin to it.
Has anyone else had any issues claiming your property on Foursquare?
I have tried several times to no avail. When I enter my property phone number to claim they say it's not the number registered for the complex. Once this didn't work I tried to claim by snail mail twice. I never received the information via mail to complete the claim. :dry:
We have updated our property and even added a application fee special with check ins but I am yet to have anyone use it. I see two major reasons for this:
1. We are not promoting it anywhere onsite. In the leasing office, we should have a sign or something reminding people to check in.
2. I feel that most people like to check in to places they're proud of. I could be wrong but when I personally use foursquare, I check into places to let my friends know what I'm up to. I'm not yet convinced that people really have a interest in checking into a apartment community.