This is the reality of a world where Facebook exists
Before, if you went out in public and happened to be photographed or filmed in the street, that was just life. Now our presence can be detected by our friends' photos, being tagged to a newsletter, and so on.
There are a few choices.
I read recently of young people completely deactivating their page when they were offline. That way, no one could tag them, until they came online again, at which time they can swiftly untag if they desire.
Untagging the next time you are online.
Accepting it.
Tagging someone is a quick way of making sure they are aware of something. Just recently I posted something in my FB status, and I particularly wanted to share it with a couple of friends, and I tagged them in my status. I have to admit, I am usually fairly conservative with this sort of thing ... my FB profile is completely private, and I have sorted my "friends" into groups. But even I didn't think twice about tagging them in my status, and whether they would be upset about it. Maybe I should have been? *shrug* It wasn't offensive .. in fact, the friends I tagged are vocalists, and the status was showing a well known choir doing a flash mob of the Hallelujah chorus ... can't get much more boring for most people, but we liked it.
I guess if we don't want this sort of public identification by other people, then we don't do FB. Or we go private.