A lot of really great ideas here already! One thing I would also do is consider what the primary objections of prospective residents have been. Are they objecting to the size? lighting? location? price? storage? Work those things into your presentation as well. While I was onsite we had economy rooms (about 205 square feet with a large common area) that prospective residents would often say were too small, didn't have enough storage, didn't offer enough privacy, etc. We worked as a team to make a list of all the major objections, and built their solutions into ads, tours, etc. We staged mini models to highlight the benefits (i.e. decorating the private bathroom, highlighting the built-in desk with plants, decor, movie collections, games, etc.).
Don't be afraid when touring to ask what the biggest drawback is that a prospective resident has with the space. If they're thinking through the drawbacks, they've already thought through their advantages. And if they share their objections, they are usually willing to let you overcome them! That's where team brainstorming comes into play, to have a solution at the ready when an objection is raised. You might have an iPad (or binder, if you need to be really budget friendly) of pics of other studios onsite. Have a contest where residents show their best photos, decor, storage solutions, etc.! We did that once and wound up with a ton of great, real pictures that showed not only how to overcome many common concerns but also showcased the personality of the community