Khara House is friends with Steve Wunch
Too often we look at Diversity, Equity and Inclusion efforts as individual efforts. We limit our “change commitment” to our top leaders sitting through a seminar, learning the language, while also frequently tiptoeing around those who are ambivalent to, or trying to change the minds and hearts of those who (silently or vocally) commit to derailing, our change efforts. We frame our efforts in places where they end the moment the wrong people ge ...
Felicia Norman is friends with Khara House
Khara House is friends with Lilah Poltz
We're now three months into the new year, and many of us have made (and, let’s be honest, probably broken) a slew of New Year’s resolutions. As we journey through this new year, I challenge us not to “resolution” but to resolve. To resolve, or be resolved, is to set firm determination on a course of action, a solution, a change. A resolution is hope, words on a page, a desire for change … to resolve is to act, push ...
Khara House is friends with Moneque Horsey
Khara House is friends with Duy Vu
Brandi Carden is friends with Khara House
Khara House is friends with Kristi Fickert
Khara House is friends with Victoria Cowart
Khara House is friends with Jamie Medina