I had a resident cross out the 5-day grace period on their Lease and write in 10-days. Yup! She’s demanding 10-days to pay her rent each month. Can’t make this stuff up folks.
Someone just asked me on 2/27...why didn't I call her to remind her that I will be filing her in court for non payment. Are you kidding me...side note....she's been late on multiple occasions and she should know by now when rent due and when court actions are taken...hence the 7 day notice
January, feburary, and march is always I am waiting on taxes and then you get how mad they are that they didn't get any taxes.. I however had a resident tell me his father died twice and had to pay for the funeral. He told me this twice in six months then the 8th month his dad did die.
4 years 9 months ago#36440by Barbara Diane McElhaney
I’ve had someone irate with me because they got charged late fees on May 6th. It was their belief that I should waive late fees because they were to drunk to remember to pay. It’s not their fault cinco de mayo landed on the day rent was due.
The dog ate my rent check . Mind you they showed it to me and it was a personal check and I pointed out they could have written another one
My other favorite was I had to pay my mom's rent so she didn't get evicted.
My favorite was the resident who argued with me on what day it was...swore it was only the 5th and they had until that night to drop it in the drop box. All the while it was the afternoon of the 6th! Literally argued for at least 15 minutes.
"I have till midnight on the 5th!" Um no, you have till 5pm on the 5th... here's your last 5 leases that all say that exact thing. "You changed the paperwork" um no, I did not alter the paperwork. "Yes you did. I'll prove it." She brings me her copy of the lease and slams it on my desk. I say "See, 5pm.." She's shocked and then says "well the last manager gave us until midnight. You have to tell us when you change rules." I explain that she got lucky with the last manager but it should've been 5pm, so count your blessings... and if you just paid on the 1st WHEN ITS DUE... it wouldn't matter what time you paid!!!
Had another woman that told me she doesn't get paid until the 5th and she doesn't get home until after 5pm when we charge a late fee so we should waive it because "it's not fair" I told her if she doesn't get paid until the 5th she should use the paycheck before that to pay rent. She looked at me so confused as if we should change our policy when rent is due just for her vs her budgeting better!
"Why did you give me a late fee, I paid on time. See the check says the 1st"... Ma'am, just because you wrote the 1st on it doesn't mean it wasn't late. You didn't drop it off on the 6th.
"But as long as I wrote the 1st, it's not late"
Um no Ma'am, that's not how that works. Smh
I have a resident that has had about 6 or so family members die or get sick. I think her aunt has died twice. Or they want to argue because they bought the money order on the 1st.