Has anyone had any luck getting posts from AptRatings.com removed? We have tried unsuccessfully for two different properties, and now we're trying to remove another one. This most recent post specifically states the manager's name, and calls them terrible names and makes slanderous accusations. We're still waiting to hear back from AptRatings.com, but I wanted to see if anyone else had had any luck.
They wont remove it in its entirety but they will delete the names and replace it with
or however many letters long the persons name is.
Because of the type of site we are dealing with ... the residents have the freedom to say whatever they like except when it comes to stating a persons name and various slander.
Click on the contact us button and it should lead the way!
It has worked for me!!
Not that anyone would ever say anything bad about... >:woohoo:
A couple of years ago, we were unsuccessful in having them remove profane postings. Maybe they changed their policies? Did you do anything other than just use their "contact us" to get them to remove the profanity-laced posting>
It is a misfortune when constituents get their brave on when sitting behind a keyboard. In the same respect, I think that behavior is sparked by something that is at least worthy of further questioning. It might be nothing at the end of the day but what if it has merit [minus the character attacks].
All that being said, my experience has been that the community as a whole amps out the lunatic fringe that show up on this site from time to time.