In Search of Best Practice: What's the most effective way that you've seen on-site to ensure you have every resident's email and phone number? And how are you overcoming objections to requiring an email and phone number?
“It’s essential that we have all of your current contact information so that we are able to inform you of any critical information about activity in the building, your lease with us, or for any other reason that your residency with us would require us to contact you.” If they push back, give an example of something major that could happen- an elevator being down, a broken garage door, a fire alarm test… that you would email blast the building about but those correspondences won’t reach them if you don’t have current email and phone info. Examples in general of why you would need it and how they will find themselves terribly inconvenienced if they don’t provide it are they way to go.
We send out an info update sheet every year, and everyone that turns it in is entered into a drawing for a gift card or a rent credit. Most of our 256 units turn it in:)
Send out a paper on each door asking then to verify /update their info. I ask for all occupants (can catch unauthorized) any pets (again they tell on themselves) and birth dates without year for cards or emails. I usually do this and make it a contest... Everyone who turns in by deadline gets $5 starbucks card. Anyone who turns in within 48 hours is entered into drawing for bigger prize. Large properties more than one prize. Then make sure that all staff is trained to get again at renewal. Also have staff ask to verify information anytime they call in for any reason.
All of our residents lease online, as we do not do in office leases. So the system will not let them continue with their application until those fields are filled in. 
The most effective way, in my world, is to ask during the leasing conversations. I have had NO resistance. It is entered in the computer when they are a prospect.
The biggest issue I ran into is tenants applying not having an email address. I always say “I have great news, Having an email address is free! Let’s make you a Gmail right now while we do this application!”
Riley O'Brien I'm surprised to hear that you're still running into people who don't have an email address. Do you think it's because people rely more on texting?
Riley O'Brien I am in a senior building and told all the time they don't have an email address as they are holding their SMARTPHONE (which requires an email address to even work). but I then tell them to give me their child's email and we will tell them to tell you.