Joy Arsham Anzalone in appfolio, every link takes to you a different web page. In Entrata, it opens pop ups instead. So you constantly have to go back and forth between pages, which takes more time. The resident/prospect messaging system in Entrata is better as well with merge fields and multiple template options. Work orders are not logged into the resident file in appfolio, but the unit file instead for some reason. To me, it's steps and efficiency. The lesser the number of steps, the better. The number of steps in Entrata is less than any other software I've used.
Joy Arsham Anzalone exactly. In appfolio there are resident files and unit files. I don't need unit history, I need resident history. It's just a little clunky.
Joy Arsham Anzalone I wish. If I want to look at resident service request history, I have to research in other locations than the actual resident file. Also, when converting an applicant to an approved future resident, the applicant history does not move to the new resident file, it's kept in the prospect file instead. I should be able to see the entire history in one place, not multiple places.