I had a scary situation today with some residents who had displayed irrational behavior

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1 day 4 hours ago #644360 by Anonymous member
I had a scary situation today with some residents who had displayed irrational behavior. Super aggressive and body language was threatening. I have done this for a long time. Not a lot scares me at work. They have shared they are disabled veterans and have ptsd. I am a compassionate person but I felt threatened. This incident happened hours ago and I am still trembling. Our world is just different. I hate working alone. What type of training or education have you had to prepare you for these types of incidents? What do you do when you feel threatened or scared at work?
1 day 4 hours ago #644360 by Anonymous member
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1 day 3 hours ago #644361 by Allie Gartside
We had a crazy resident, she threatened to shoot our maintenance supervisor. It was a legit threat as we received a call from her mental health facility saying they feared for his life. After that, we had an armed guard on premises til she was evicted.
But don’t forget, you can call the police on a resident.
I truly believe though that no office should ever have one person in it at a time. Just in terms of liability as well you know. God forbid you’re alone and a resident accuse you of something and not only are there no witnesses but no cameras either.
I think on any given day there should be 3 people in an office, in addition to your maintenance team, not including. Maintenance is usually out and about. But for safety and liability reasons for the company and residents.
1 day 3 hours ago #644361 by Allie Gartside
Kelly Lowrey Chaffin
1 day 2 hours ago #644362 by Kelly Lowrey Chaffin
What city are you in? I had a couple that also claimed they had PTSD and were very aggressive toward me and my team. They moved out a couple years ago.
1 day 2 hours ago #644362 by Kelly Lowrey Chaffin
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1 day 2 hours ago #644363 by Jose Maciel
I'm a small private LL, My family has been in the business since the 70's I cater to low income tenants but I refuto have an office and I don't let anyone know where I live... I have memories of disgruntled tenants banging on our door yelling and screaming... It wasn't fun...
1 day 2 hours ago #644363 by Jose Maciel