I just had to share this; this was the condition of a resident's unit immediately AFTER we had the Sherrif do the lockout today (see link below)... This was an 83 year old resident we had to evict because these conditions not only created health and safety concerns (notice the closet that is completely full and blocking access to an electric water heater that is somewhere in there, even knowing that she turned it off at the fuse box and it was not a fire hazard, if there were a leak; we would not know about until it was too late and mold began to grow); but these conditions made it impossible for the exterminator we hired (and spent over $20k with to resolve a bed bug issue) to not only complete the work, but it also put their 'guarantee' in jeopardy. Incidentally, there are signs of bedbug activity; which she still denies. Another thing she denied was the fact that the backup batteries in the smoke detectors were dead; when they were continually causing them to beep repeatedly..... While I was there with the Sheriff, the APS worker, and my maintenance manager (waiting for her get dressed and collect what she could, before we changed the lock).
Needless to say, we took her to court over these issues; and prevailed. She then begged and pleaded with us to change our position, after the judge agreed with us and she got help (where was this help before we had to appear in court??); which we did by way of a stipulation. This stipulation required the resident to accomplish 3 things, with or without assistance:
1) she needed to pay her back rent immediately (at the time of the agreement, she owed us 2 months' rent; now it is THREE), which she did NOT do.
2) she needed to make sure her unit was prepared so we could schedule the exterminator to return and complete the work; which she did not do.
3) she was required to keep her unit in a clean and safe condition; and allow us access to complete required inspections and maintenance.
Additionally, she was required to pay the costs of the extra treatment by the exterminator AND legal fees; on the grounds that, had she complied and the exterminator was able to complete all the work we hired them for, not only would WE have paid them, but we would not have incurred legal costs.
This agreement allowed us the right to seek immediate possession when she was not in compliance with any part of the agreement. This lockout was delayed by the (court) holidays.
Now we have to wait the 15 days before we can dispose of whatever is left (she can come back to pick up stuff up until then; and I am not budging on the 15 days; I refuse to give her more time than the court did).
Incidentally, we also successfully evicted another household who was guilty of almost the same things. This other household left without incident; but they left behind their pests..... Or should I say pets???? We literally had to spend 3 consecutive days bombing the place before the exterminator could get out; the floor was covered in dead insects... And we had to treat the units with shared walls and the unit immediately downstairs.......