We currently use fax blasts as one of our main lead generators. We stumbled upon the idea about 6 months ago and haven't looked back. We've always seen a 1000%+ (yeah, 1,000) ROI because it's so darn cheap to send out thousands of faxes.
Does any one have ideas on how to build our fax blast list? We currently have about 3,000 communities but are looking to make that 10,000+.
We were thinking either purchasing a list....but haven't found a good list broker.
Or, secondly, hiring a bunch of high school kids to manually enter fax numbers off of website and/or guide books.
Any have any ideas?
By the way - our service is a marketing/traffic generator:
With all the green initiatives that are being promoted, where will faxing end up? On the grand scale we see car dealers getting rid of the big gas guzzlers. Nissan has already announced their reduction of their truck line for next year. I guess you need to ask yourself, how long will this approach last and does faxing land your information in the correct hands? I am happy that it is working for you now, but just remember what happened to VHS and now is about to happen to DVD. Keep your business rocking whatever it takes. I like the positive thoughts from your discussion.
You have to be careful about fax marketing and list purchasing. I believe there are anti fax-spam laws you may want to research before continuing. Much like anti email-spam, I think there are fines. You should only use an opt-in list.
"The Federal law passed in 1991 known as the Telephone Consumer
Protection Act makes it illegal to send any material transmitted via facsimile that advertises the commercial availability or quality of any property, goods, or services which is transmitted to any person without that person's prior express invitation or permission. If the fax was deliberately sent to you, federal law entitles you to recover a minimum of $500 and, depending the judge's discretion, up to $1,500 for each such fax that you receive."
Interesting discussion....I was actually thinking about some fax blasts myself, I need to check into those laws.
As far as faxing and the "green" movement, I use an electronic fax service. I find it much more convenient to receive all of my faxes via email and it saves a ton of paper. I just save all of my incoming faxes (contracts mostly) on a disk and don't need to print them out. I see more and more people moving to this method of faxing.